PTSD: Dealing With The Aftermath of Adoption

“‘Adopt,’ they said. ‘It’ll be fun,’ they said!” I clasped my head in my hands as my body shook with crazed angry laughter. “What they didn’t say was, ‘Oh, by the way, that sweet little child might...

Closed Adoption: Honoring Your Mother

Learn how to honor your birth mother through a closed adoption.  May is the month we celebrate motherhood, and you might be wondering just how to honor your birth mother. Closed adoptions can be hard on both...

Getting Over the Awkwardness: Adoption Matches

A few years ago, I signed up for online dating. I have been single for quite a while and in all reality, things don’t work like they used to. You most likely won’t meet your future spouse on the produce aisle...

Relationships in the Adoption Triad

A triad is defined, as it relates to adoption, as a group or set of three connected people or groups. Adoption connects biological parents, adoptive parents, and the child. Throughout the years, these three...

When Adoption Triads Don’t Work: Helping Your Adoptee Cope

The papers were signed. Agreements were agreed to. And now, 10 years later, things aren’t working out. You’re still 100% all-in, your kiddo is absolutely attached to you and your partner, and things in the...

Discover Dr. Jennifer Cain's expertise in trauma-informed care for adoptive families, empowering parents with tailored strategies.

Dr. Jennifer Cain

I thoroughly enjoyed my discussion with Dr. Jennifer Cain during our interview on Hearing about her methods and dedication to providing valuable support to the adoption community was incredibly motivating...

Becoming a foster parent was something I had an interest in pursuing, but always thought, “after I’m married.” So, I kept putting it off...

Interview with a Single Foster Mother

This woman is someone I’ve known and loved since high school. So, for a long time. She’s a single foster mom and a nurse. She amazes me. I got to ask her a few questions and she was gracious enough to answer with...

There are no promises in foster care and adoption. Just like there is no way to know for certain that a biological child won’t end up with...

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Adoption

1. It’s not about me.  I’m not the savior of anyone. I’m not a superhero. The kids are a gift to me, not the other way around. They had parents before me, I didn’t have kids before adoption.  2. It’s harder than it...

the adoption process takes time. While stocking your nursery and pantry may be easy, the process of getting your home and current family...

Getting Your Home Ready for Adoption

As you get ready to step into this new phase of life, whether you already have kids or not, the adoption process takes time. While stocking your nursery and pantry may be easy, the process of getting your home and...

Adoption Pet Peeves

Ahem *steps on soapbox* I have gathered you here today to discuss one of my biggest, major peeves. Let me start by telling you I love animals. Young me thought she was going to be a veterinarian, zoologist, or marine...

The first year--2014 through 2015--was so difficult. It was a whole lot of unknown, but by the time we were a year in, we were absolutely...

Our First Year as a Family

Our First Year October 2014  Three precious foster children entered our home in October of 2014, two little boys and an infant girl. My husband and I had never had children in our 14 years of marriage and we weren’t...

When it comes to adoption there are a lot of unanswered questions. To those new to the adoption world or those who are just interested...

Adoption Trivia

When it comes to adoption there are a lot of unanswered questions. To those new to the adoption world or those who are just interested, it can all be a bit confusing. Let’s play a game of adoption trivia and get...

Cocooning can be an integral part of the initial healing for your child and can aid in attachment and acclimation...

Navigating the Cocoon

When you decide to pursue adoption, there will be many instances when your family’s situation will look unique from others who have gone before you. Life after adoption will also be unique. Whether that be in how you...

Adoption Metaphors. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which...

My Favorite Adoption Metaphors

As an English major, studying figurative language was something I did almost every day. As a little review, figurative language is language that goes beyond its literal meaning to convey a point. There are quite a few...

Am I Ready to Adopt

Making the decision to adopt begins with asking yourself, “Am I ready to adopt?” Knowing whether or not you are ready to adopt is a pretty broad question and feels different for everyone. The answer to this somewhat...

Love can be shown in different ways. In a marriage or dating relationship, it is important to understand your partner’s love language...

Love Languages and Adoption

According to The New Oxford American Dictionary, the definition of love is, “an intense feeling of deep affection.” The definition of language is, “the principal method of communication conveyed by speech, writing or...

Even though the person may not remember that traumatic event, it may show up in association with, when, or how the trauma occurred...

Understanding Trauma and Traumaversaries

Did you know that it is possible for your body to unconsciously remember a traumatic event? The brain is an amazing machine and it will move mountains to protect you. When a traumatic event happens to a person, the...

As the contents unfolded, the words changed shape and, instead of a letter to my daughters, it became a letter about them. It became...

A Letter to My Adopted Children

Before I Begin At first, my goal was to write a letter to our adopted children. However, the words felt deeply personal, and I struggled to put into words just how I feel about them. As the contents unfolded, the words...

When you find yourself in a hard situation, feeling all the things you are feeling, and you have a choice, choose love...

Close Conversations: A Tale Of Hope And Love

In my last interview, we met my son’s biological mother. We discussed her early life, her struggle with addiction, her biological children, and how she is working every day to overcome her addictions and remain healthy...

As a foster and adoptive parent and fellow (though much smaller) adoption influencer, I admire Jamie’s openness and honesty...

Adoption Influencers

Adoption influence has changed tremendously in the last 20 years. As technology has made sharing experiences easier for parents, families, and children in the adoption community, many have developed a platform with the...

Christmas traditions aren't always picture perfect. For families of foster care or adoption, these memories can mean even more...

Our First Christmas as a Family

Let me start by saying I was never as nervous or excited about Christmas day as I was that year. My husband and I had been married 14 years at the time and had spent holidays anywhere from big family gatherings to (my...

Of course, these songs are meant to tug heartstrings—that seems to be much of the purpose anyway. I, for one, have found these songs...

Christmas Songs About Adoption

There are so many reasons to be thankful this time of year. Family, friends, gifts, good food, laughter, and a reminder that despite the world being a dark and dreary place at times, love and light can break through...

Many social workers and adoption experts will help you navigate attachment issues that may arise from your children...

5 Ways To Improve Parental Attachment

Throughout your home study, as you prepare to bring home your child(ren), you will hopefully go through many different educational opportunities that will help you prepare to bring home children who may have experienced...

Adoption is not for the faint of heart. I have struggled, and continue to struggle, with the decision I made. In my heart, I know I made the..

My Adoption Story: Reunited, 15 Years Later

When I placed my daughter for adoption 15 years ago, the relationship I envisioned developing between her and I involved monthly get-togethers, holiday traditions, giant family reunions, and much more. What actually...

Community can be there for us during our lowest lows and our highest highs. It’s no different during the adoption process...

5 Reasons Why You Need Community

Finding Support In The Adoption And Fostering World Brene Brown says it best, “We don’t have to do it alone. We were never meant to.” Our communities are a huge part of our lives and mold and shape us every single day...

At first, their children were not on board with the idea of adoption. Children often struggle with the idea of change. It is helpful to...

7 Tips to Help Children Integrate

I met Teresa and Dave Johnson and their family at church several years ago. Anyone who talked to them just once could feel that they were good people who were full of love. There have been a few times since then that I...

Everyone’s experience is different, but these are five things I found to be important to remember in the first year of adoption...

5 Things to Remember in The First Year

With technology, it is easy to set reminders for yourself in every aspect of your life. Your phone can act as your assistant and tell you not to forget your grocery list, post office run, or to pay a bill. The days of...

Did you know that adoption takes teamwork? It seems like an obvious statement, but once you get into the process of adoption...

Adoption Takes Teamwork

Adoption Takes Teamwork Did you know that adoption takes teamwork? It seems like an obvious statement, but once you get into the process of adoption, you will find just how true the statement really is. When my husband...